Railroad Cars

Constantine Budrukas discusses Ogden's history on 25th Street, the Union Railroad Station, and his personal experiences growing up during the Great Depression. The interview was conducted on March 11, 2003.

Joseph Compton discusses his years working for the Southern Pacific Railroad driving a motor car and working on maintenance. He describes various wrecks, a hotel on 25th Street, and life in Promontory. The interview took place on April 29, 1971.

Clair Knight, a docent at Ogden City Train Station, discusses his personal history and experiences involved with Weber County and 25th Street in Ogden, Utah. The interview took place on March 11, 2003.

Clarence Werner shares his experiences working on the railroad in Denver, Colorado and in Utah as a machinist helper, a helper apprentice, and a machinist. He discusses his draft into World War II, but received a special delivery letter explaining to not appear for induction as he needed to stay with the railroad. The interview took place on June 29, 1973.