
Alice Ralston discusses her experience working in elementary education, in positions such as teacher, principal, and Head Start director and consultant. The interview took place on May 24, 1971.

Pam Smith discusses her experiences as a non-traditional student at Weber State University. The interview was conducted on December 21, 2003.

T.O. Smith discusses his experiences and knowledge of the educational system in Utah. Smith served as Superintendent of Ogden City Schools from 1948 to 1969. The interview took place on March 15, 1971.

The following is an oral history interview with Angela Urrea, conducted on May 21, 2019, in the Stewart Library at Weber State University, in Ogden, Utah, by Destinee D. Herrera. Angela discusses her life and the impact of the 19th Amendment. Sarah Storey, the video technician, is also present during this interview.

Lois Warlaumont discusses his knowledge of the Catholic Church, its recent changes, and parochial education in Utah. The interview took place on August 10, 1971.

Zel Whitmeyer discusses her life in Ogden, Utah, and her participation in the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Eastern Star, and the Children's Aid Society. The interview took place on March 17, 1977.